Below are some nice inked pages for your viewing pleasure.
This one, I went all out and crosshatched the shadows in the background. Mike Bowden indicated blacks, but I figure... what's the harm in cross hatching it? If it doesn't look good, I can always black it out later. Turns out, everyone dug it!
This one's a double page spread. Every time I work on a double page spread, it feels like it takes a long time to finish. Then I sit back and realize, it should be a long time. It's inking two pages! Still, If feels like a long time because to me, it's one page. Given it's two pages attached together, But still one giant page. Often times, I would need to fold the page back on the attachment and ink in like regular size. Double page spreads are huge! One time, I've inked a commission piece that was four pages big! 22x34 is size! HUGE! Anyhoo, that's another story for another time. Back to WOW...
Another pretty splash page...
And another...
Finally, not quite a splash page. This is a patch page for another page. What's a patch page? Sometimes after artwork is finished, there may be editorial or licensing adjustment requests. When that happens, new artwork would be drawn on another page which will then be moved over to the original image.
You're probably thinking, "Why not just erase the drawing and redraw it on the same page?" In this case, the original page (see below) was sent to me for inking before hand. During editorial or licensing, I was asked not ink panel two and wait for a patch page. I'll ink the rest of it, wait for the page above and ink that. When I'm finished, I would then send all that to the colorist (or production) and they'll piece it together for the printed book. Kinda neat how patch pages work, eh?
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