Friday, July 17, 2009

Pictures from the Giant Robot Signing

Here are some pictures from the signing. My first time visiting the Giant Robot store. Nice place. If you're ever in San Francisco, check it out. Giant Robot has a website where you can get more info about them, all their stores, and everything else. Once there, I meet up with all the other people involved. It's my first time meeting everyone. There's me behind a guy who just popped right in front of me before the picture taking. I was introduced to everyone, half an hour, I forgot every one's names. Except for Jeff Yan in the center who was the editor whom I've been in contact with since I worked on the project.

Below is a picture of one of my coolest friend, Megan Bates. She edits books for VIZ media. One of the titles she edits is Crimson Hero. She and I know that title Manga all to well when it comes to editing and corrections.
Below is a picture of one another good friend, Lovalle Davis. He owns Immortelle Studios as well as the comic book character, "Cynder". Here's a link to see some of the books that's been published. I need to get on his case about bringing Cynder back into publication.
Here's a cell phone photo that someone took of the event.
Here's a staged picture. I asked someone to take a picture of me signing that stack of books. I wasn't really signing them. All pretend. A few minutes later, it turns out that I really had to sign them for store copies. It was about five stacks of the same that needed to be signed. What the hell is with that smile??? I must have been cracking up because it was a staged photo. Sometimes I goof around too much.
Here's a picture of the book. Some of the books had these masks strapped to them which you can also wear. It reminds me of the mask that Bruce Lee wore when he was acting as Kato in the TV show Green Hornet.

Here's the page in the book that I worked on. The one on the left.
And just for kicks, here's me as Kato making Bruce Lee sounds. I'm such a dork.


  1. That last picture made me burst out laughing.
    Must send this to all the classmates I know.
    PS. Is that REALLY a bowling shirt or what? xDD

  2. Looks like a fun day. Great pics! I'm guessing Secret Identities are also going to make a presence at the Con?

  3. Fred, Yes, they're also making a presence at Comic Con. In fact, I'll be signing there every so often.
