Saturday, July 11, 2009


Did some inking over Mark Brooks to the issue above. Below are some of the inks I've done. All of this was done on Blue Line.
I seem to be able to complete pages faster when it comes to Blue Lines. Maybe because I don't need to go back in there and re-spot the blacks after erasing the page. Usually when I'm done inking over original pencils, the blacks turn grey after erasing the pencils underneath. It's still good to go for scanning. I just like the inks to be rich and dark in blacks. Looks better for the original art. So I'm saving a step with Blue Line. That and not having to erase the page at all is another step saved. Here's another page with some of the Young Avengers below.

This was released on June 17. I didn't get comp copies from Marvel so I didn't find out about the release date until today. It's out in stores now. You can see some preview pages and read more about this issue here.


  1. you print them out on Marvel boards? Or just your bristol board of choice from the art store?

  2. I printed them out on Marvel Boards which are better in quality. Some of the boards from the art stores are hit and miss where they'll bleed.
