Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Commission Piece

Another commission piece over Mark Brook's pencils on Blueline. Spider-Man and Vulture. There was hardly any blacks to fill on this piece except for Spider-Man's eyes. So I decided to thicken up the holding lines around Spider-Man and the camera around his neck to pop the perspective more. Normally, pieces that hardly have any blacks to fill are faster for me to ink. In this case, it took longer because of all the detailed buildings in the background. All of that back there took much longer to ink than the characters itself. For this piece, I used microns, tech pens, brushes, crow quill, templates, and a ruler.


  1. Yeah, I think this is tough because it is so thin line with no real spotted blacks. While I think the drawing is good and the inks are good, I'm kind of in the camp that until it is colored, I'm not sure what to say. With the moon in the background there would have been an awesome chance to play around with the shading on Spidey but you know, that's a personal preference.

  2. *ahem*... high res to me please!!!! :+P

